WyzAnt is an online marketplace where students and parents can find qualified, local in-person and online tutors in more than 250 different subjects. Visitors can browse WyzAnt's network of 75,000+ available tutors at no cost and compare tutors' experience, qualifications, personality and teaching style, background checks. Now Wyzant has suffered a data breach which includes their customers certain personal information
An unknown attacker was able to gain access to one of its databases on April 27, which the company only identified a week after the security incident had happened
The stolen personal information includes the customers first name, last name, email address, zip code and for certain customers their Facebook profile image as well as the details of who log-in to the platform using Facebook.
Wyzant clearly declareed that the stolen data did not include any password, payment information, or record of its customers activity on the Wyzant platform.
it is not yet clear that how many customers were actually becone the victim's of the security breach, or if both tutors and students are affected or which vulnerability had used by the attackers to get into the company's network.The company declared that it has now patched the underlying issue.
For affected customers, Wyzant also warned them to beware of Social Engineering attacks such us phishing where attackers could use their personal information to trick them to get additional information such as credit card information or passwords.